
Assortment Planning
Assortment Planning solutions helps you analyse, and tailor customer centric assortments based on any product attribute, from any dimension while controlling merchandise spending open-to-buy, optimizing inventory investments.

Benefits of Assortment Planning
- Accurate inventory recommendations allowing for inputs of intelligent cluster assignments, store capacities, product attributes, operational costs, demand forecasts, price components, seasonal definitions, as well as supply chain and business constraints such as limit on maximum assortment size, product mix requirements, etc.
- Drive efficiency by giving users ability to determine optimal choice count and understand what items were not in the assortment to identify missed opportunities.
- Provides ability to buyers with insight into selling patterns and store clustering analytics that simplifies assortment rationalization down to the store/item level. Grouping of locations with similar item / attribute demand patterns determine 'who' buys products in similar patterns & 'what’ the product profile preferences are. Planners could use measures like volume, ensuring clusters are operational in business processes.
- Assist planners to determine the best assortment mix based on available shelf space and financial objectives.
- Ability to build an Assortment Plan for the various stores to enable planners in the planning process
- Produce analytics-driven, localized assortment plans so you can tailor merchandise to meet the needs of your customers. The assortment plan provides flexibility and create multi-dimension hierarchy as per requirement. For example, Merchandise - Division - Category - Brand - Sub Brand - Channel - Sub Channel - Geo-ID – SKU or like, Time: Year - Season - Quarter - Month - Week
- Ability to do prediction on customer demand by channel and forecast the impact on future sales.
- Ability to understand a customer's path to purchase.

Demand Planning
Demand Planning solutions capture demand signals for where, how and when demand is generated and senses customer demand across each channel. Planning powered by machine learning provides scalability for rapid, yet detailed forecasting processes

Benefits of Demand Planning
- Ability to creating a statistical forecast by products/category/divisions
- Ability to configure and do forecasting planning at different dimensions and levels. Expert-selection forecast engine analyses and combines various models to produce most accurate forecast at every level of your corporate/product hierarchy
- Persona-driven workflows automation and process management to integrate source data, analytics, planning and reporting to seamlessly move data within the solution based on persona-based templates.
- Provide integration of forecasting into the current solutions / processes utilized by demand planners
- New Product Forecasting allows for more accurate forecasting of new product series based on their characteristics and similarities to other products. This automated process forecasts thousands of new products simultaneously significantly reducing the time from days to hours/minutes.
- Short-term Demand Sensing – Combining POS/syndicated data, inventory, and future open orders to accurately Sense Demand during volatile periods. Short term forecasts enabled by Machine Learning create weekly & daily forecasts down to the product/ship-to location/ customer location level
- Ability to use scalable and statistical methods of forecasting active and labour-intensive calculation
- Ability to auto-tuning and integration of champion / challenger decisioning
- Provide capabilities to the planners to collaborate with other departments across the planning process to drive efficiency in supply chain.
- Provide integration of forecasting into the current solutions / processes utilized by demand planners
- Ability to use analytics to accurately estimate future product demand based on transactional/shipment data, marketing, and sales data.
- Assist in all demand planning duties including estimation of future product demand, analysis of inventory flow, and developing forecast models
- Ability to translate customer demand signals into executable schedules for which material, asset and resources are available.
- Allows constant improvement in forecasting accuracy based on short/long term demand and market trends.
- Maintaining a strong collaborative relationship with all process participants

Customer Intelligence
In today’s world where customers are flooded with offers, getting the attention of the customers by standing out in terms of communication and offer can mean the difference between success and failure. If your customer communications/ experiences/ campaigns will be more focused and driven by analytically based segments, the customers will get exactly what they want, every time they interact with you.
But all this will be possible only when you have complete 360 degree view of customer touchpoints and interactions. With out capabilities in customer intelligence implementations, we ensure to bring marketing automation to your communications structure and create a data driven and result oriented ROI framework.

Benefits of Customer Intelligence
- Ability to perform true predictive marketing
- Helps with agile strategic planning for all marketing activities
- Creation of marketing workflows for automated communications
- Getting complete view of the customer across all touchpoints
- Micro level segmentation and more streamlined hyper personalization
- Unified view of the customer across different products/ brands/ devices
- Unified view of offline and online data